A downloadable game for Windows

Friend is a game about underwater navigation in the post apocalypse. Armed with a map, your job is to find various research dead drops left by another sub pilot, your only friend.

Your submarine’s navigation equipment includes your current six-figure grid reference and a compass. Using these and your map, you need to track down every dead drop on the map. By comparing objects in your environment and on your map, you can uncover the dead drops and save the world!

The game is mostly played with the keyboard. The W and S keys move your submarine forwards and backwards, while the left and right arrow keys will turn you. The sub console will display your current six-figure grid reference and what direction you're currently pointed towards.

When you've found a dead drop, the console’s status light turns red and you can press Space to pick it up.
When starting a new game, you can choose whether or not to have an in-game map. For full immersion though, you should print off the map (provided as a standalone .pdf) and play with the lights off.

This game was made as part of a college assignment, and is a bit rough around the edges. It's more of a proof of concept than anything, but I'm kinda happy with how it came out.


Win_1.0.zip 71 MB
map.pdf 120 kB

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